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威廉希尔app 为大家整理了英语阅读Grandmother,网站内容每天更新,欢迎大家时时关注哦!


Grandmother is very old. Her face is crumpled, and her hair is white as snow.  But her eyes are twinkling like two stars. When she looks at us with her  generous and gentle face, we feel very happy. She tells us many good old  stories. She has a lot of knowledge because she began her life even before my  father and mother.

Grandmother often reads a hymnbook with a sliver clamper in her spare time. A  dry rose is put between the leaves of the book. The rose is not as beautiful as  a rose in a glass vase, but she sometimes smiles and cries quietly when she  looks at the rose.

When her tears fall down on the dry rose, it comes to life again, and its'  peaceful and beautiful scent fill the whole room. The walls turn into a green  forest, and the sunlight of summer shines through thick leaves of the trees, she  changes into a beautiful girl with rose-colored and full cheeks and curly blond  hair. A tall and healthy young man sits beside her and gives a rose to the girl.  Then, she smiles beautifully.

   The girl became a Grandmother and could not smile that beautifully, but she  can smile graciously while she is recollecting her memories of the past. The  handsome young man is gone, and the rose is dry and put between the leaves of  the book. The girl became an old lady looking at the dry rose.


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