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精讲16年小学英语The Teapot阅读



威廉希尔app 为大家整理了英语The Teapot阅读,希望帮助您提供多想法,加油哦!

The Teapot

There was a teapot made of china, and she liked to boast about herself. She  had one beautiful long mouth and a large grip on her front and rear, and she was  particularly proud of them. But she hushed up about her ugly lid that was  broken, cracked and glued loosely.

Teacups, a cream pitcher and a sugar bowl teased the teapot about her broken  and scarred lid all the time. Whenever she listened to their teasing while she  was boasting about herself, she suddenly felt depressed.

On all such occasions, she comforted herself by saying this, "Yes, I know  what my weak point is. Everyone has not only his own weakness but also an  excellent talent at the same time. The teacup has his grip, and the sugar bowl  has his cover, but I have both. Besides, I have even a mouth that they don't  have. Even if sugar bowl and cream pitcher stimulate people's appetite, I am the  one who bestows favors on thirsty people. I am the Queen of a tea table!"

One day, a very beautiful and elegant hand picked up the teapot. But by  mistake, the hand dropped the teapot to the floor. Her mouth and grip, which the  teapot used to be proud of, and her lid were all broken into pieces, and people  made such a fuss as they cleaned up the hot boiling water.

The teapot began to be treated as old and useless from that moment. She was  shocked by the fact that everyone laughed at her instead of at the careless hand  which dropped the teapot. The people gave her away to a beggar. "There's no hope  for me." The teapot moaned and cried about her situation.

Even though the teapot had never imagined before, her new and different life  began. One day, the teapot got filled with soil. She got another shock from it  on that day, but someone planted a flower seed in her. The seed took root in the  teapot and began to grow.

The teapot felt the seed as her heart. She came to life and breathed. While  her heart was beating energetically, the seed pushed out new buds, and they  bloomed. The teapot could forget her past, troubles and worries as she watched  the flowers.

But the flowers did not even say thank you to the teapot. They seemed as if  they didn't know that the teapot even existed. Whoever looked at the flowers  were all impressed by their beauty. The teapot just felt happy by watching  them.

One day, someone moved the flowers from the teapot to a better flowerpot. The  teapot was broken in two pieces and thrown away in the corner of a garden, but  the teapot lived her life keeping her memories to herself.


grip n. 紧握;柄;支配;握拍方式;拍柄绷带

rear n. 后面

pitcher n. 投手;大水罐

例句:Please give me a drink, a little water from your pitcher.


lid n. 盖子;眼睑;限制

moan vi. 抱怨,悲叹;呻吟

例句:The sick man moaned in his sleep.


flowerpot n. 花盆;花钵

例句:This flowerpot is broken. Who knocked it over?


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