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十几年前,社会上就流传着这样一句话:未来几年人类必须掌握的三大技能是英语、驾驶、计算机。威廉希尔app 为大家推荐了高中英语语法知识点,请大家仔细阅读,希望你喜欢。







1. it作形式主语代替从句的句型:

(1) It+be+名词词组+that从句。

例:It’s a wonder that you could finish the hard task in such a short time.

(2) It+be+adj. +that从句

It is/was surprising(important, desirable, advisable…) that…。在这个句型中,从句的谓语动词常用虚拟语气,即“should+动词原形”或“should have+过去分词”。

例:It’s important that you should apologize to her for your rudeness.

It’s strange that he should have gone away without telling us.

(3) It+v.+sb.+that从句

It+surprise/delight/interest/disappoint/worry/disturb/annoy/amaze /bother/frighten/please/anger sb.that…

例:It worried me that she drove so fast.

(4) It is/was desired(suggested, settled, proposed, requested, decided…) that…。在这个句型中,从句的谓语动词常用虚拟语气,即“(should)+动词原形”。

例: It was requested that the play should be put on again.

(5) It+be/seem+adj.(good, true, wonderful, wrong, clear, possible, certain…)+that从句

例:It is likely that they will beat us tonight.

2. it作形式主语代替不定式的句型:

(1) It+be+adj. (for sb.) to do sth.

此处adj. 通常为描述事件的形容词:easy, difficult, hard, necessary, unnecessary, possible, impossible, likely, unlikely, right, wrong, important, unimportant, legal, illegal, well-mannered, ill-mannered, polite, impolite, clear, obvious, certain, suitable, proper, fit, useful, useless, dangerous…

例:It is illegal (for a teenager) to drive a car without a license.

(2) It+be+adj.+of sb. to do sth.

此处adj. 通常为描述人的形容词:kind, unkind, nice, rude, cruel, considerate, thoughtful, thoughtless, careful, careless, silly, foolish, stupid, clever, wise, crazy…

例:It’s kind of you to help me with the problem.

3. it作形式主语代替动名词的句型:

It’s no good/use doing…

It’s (well) worth doing…

It’s (well) worthwhile doing…

例:It’s no use crying over spilt milk.


1. It takes sb. some time to do sth.某人用多长时间做某事

It took the men a week to mend our roof.

2. It’s (about/high) time that…是该做某事的时候了

It’s(about/high) time that we should take action.

3. It’s the x-th time(that)…第几次做某事了

It’s the third time that he has failed the driving test.


1. verb+ it+ adj./noun (for/of) to do/clause(verb=think, believe, suppose, consider, feel, make, keep…)

例:I think it hard for you to do the task on your own.

I think it hard that you’ll do the task on your own.

2. verb+it+adj./noun (one’s) doing

(verb=think, believe, suppose, consider, feel, make, keep…)


(noun=no use/no good/worth one’s while/a waste of time/money/energy/words)

例:I’ll make it worth your while telling me about his secret.

3. verb+it+ important/unimportant/necessary/unnecessary/natural/essential that … (should)…

(verb=think, believe, suppose, consider, feel, make, keep…)

例:I think it important that you (should) attend the conference.

4. verb + it+ as+ noun/adj.+ clause (verb=accept, regard, take, see, view)

例:The lecturer takes it as encouraging when so many students attend his lecture.



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