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说起“泛指”,我们马上想起不定冠词(a/an),其实不带冠词的不可数名词和复数名词都可以表“泛指”, 有些表“不定”概念的限定词(another, some, a few, most, enough, hundreds of, plenty of等 )也可以充当这个作用。例如:

I want to buy a book/some books. Books are of great use. Air is all around us.

I will stay there for a few days/another few days.

“特指”经常由定冠词(the)或表“特定”概念的限定词(物主代词,指示代词,名词所有格等)来充当。假如将“中国的第二大河流”说成 “China’s the second longest river” 是不妥当的, 因为China’s 和the 在“特指”的概念上是重复的。“那个门破了的教室”既可以译成 “the classroom whose door is broken”也可以说成 “the classroom the door of which is broken”,因为 “door” 前应该有个表“特指”的限定词。同样,“with one’s help/ take one’s place” 可能在另一场合会变成“with the help of/ take the place of”。

在表达“倍数”时,我们常常看到这样一个公式:“倍数 + the + 名词(size/height/ length) + of ”。如果把它改为“倍数 + 表特指的名词/代词”就可以更好理解的下面的句子了:

① The size of the newly broadened square is four times that of the previous one. (that=the size)

② I offer ten times the money that Antonia has borrowed. =I offer ten times what Antonia has borrowed. (what=the money that 定语从句)

③ You can’t imagine that rats eat 40 to 50 times their weight.(their weight=the weight of rats)




1.① I spent many happy hours with them.

② This picture reminds me of the many happy hours I spent with them.

2.① I bought a few books in the bookstore.

② The few books I bought in the bookstore are written in English .

3. ① I don’t feel like drinking water.

② I don’t feel like drinking the water from this well.

4.① Cotton played an important part in Industrial Revolution.

② The most important thing about cotton in history is the important part that it played in Industrial Revolution.

5.① I have done a little to help you.

② I hope the little that I’ve been able to do has been of some use to you.




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