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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)




1. What does the woman probably want to do?

A. Write a paper. B. Attend a class. C. Get some sleep.

2. When will the man see his parents?

A. At 11:00. B. At 10:00. C. At 9:00.

3. Why didn’t the man see the woman at breakfast time?

A. She went for a long walk.

B. She finished her breakfast early.

C. She didn’t go to the dining hall.

4. What does the woman think of the new art museum?

A. It is nice inside.

B. It looks attractive outside.

C. It has no attraction for her.

5. What did the woman do with the report?

A. She made suggestions on it.

B. She asked the man to rewrite it.

C. She got someone else to read it.




6. Where are the speakers?

A. In a classroom. B. On the street. C. In a studio.

7. When did the Brooklyn Bridge start to be built?

A. In 1898. B. In 1883. C. In 1869.


8. What is Michael doing?

A. Watching TV. B. Preparing dinner. C. Doing his homework.

9. What is the woman’s advice?

A. Recording the program.

B. Asking Jane for help.

C. Taking a shower now.


10. Where does the conversation take place?

A. On a plane. B. In a car. C. In a restaurant.

11. What will the man have?

A. Bean salad and beer.

B. Bean salad and water.

C. Baked chicken and coffee.

12. Why doesn’t the man have a diet soda?

A. It is expensive. B. It is unhealthy. C. It is not available.


13. What is the relationship between Stefan and the man?

A. Workmates. B. Former schoolmates. C. Teacher and student.

14. Where did Stefan and the man go first?

A. A restaurant. B. The riverside. C. A shopping mall.

15. What was by the river in the past?

A. Factories. B. Gardens. C. A sports center.

16. What do we know about the road bridge?

A. It isn’t busy at all.

B. It will be finished soon.

C. It started about 7 years ago.


17. When will the swim classes begin?

A. On May 1st. B. On April 30th. C. On April 29th.

18. How many swim classes are being offered?

A. 10. B. 15. C. 20.

19. Why must some students come to the swim skill show?

A. They have no Level 3 certificate.

B. They want to pass the skill level test quickly.

C. They have never attended Community Pool classes.

20. Who will rate the students’ skill level?

A. The speaker. B. The instructors. C. The local community.

第二部分阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)

阅读下列短文 ,从每题所给的四个选项 (A 、B 、C 和 D )中 ,选出最佳选项



Edinburgh is a city where you can easily find your way around, even during the busiest times of the summer festival season. Here are some tips to help you get to where you want to go quickly and easily.


One of the best and most enjoyable ways to discover Edinburgh and get around the city is on foot. Walking from the very centre of the city on Princes Street, it takes 20-30 minutes or so to reach places as far away as the Royal Botanic Garden in the north of the city, the King’s Theatre in the southwest and George Square in the southeast. Of course, whether you want to walk might be dependent on Edinburgh’s famously changeable weather!

By bus

Edinburgh’s bus routes cover the entire city. Most festival venues(会场) are either on or nearby at least one main bus route, and the Night Bus Services will help you get to where you want to go. You can buy a bus pass ahead of time. Also, tickets can be bought on board each bus, but they don’t offer change, so having the correct money ready before the bus arrives is necessary— price details will be on the bus stop.

By taxi

Taxi services are available throughout the city. Taxi fares calculated on distance and waiting time and taxi ride across the city centre can cost between $5 and $15. For short journeys at busy traffic periods it can often be quicker to walk.

21. Where does the King’s Theatre lies?

A. In the southeast of Edinburgh. B. In the north of Edinburgh.

C. In the northwest of Edinburgh. D. In the southwest of Edinburgh.

22. What can be inferred about Edinburgh’s transportation?

A. The conditions of the transportation are a bit far from comfortable.

B. Small change is a must if one doesn’t buy a bus pass in advance.

C.A person must have a bus pass before he gets on it.

D. Not all buses offer ticket service when someone gets on it.

23. Where can we read this passage?

A. Travelling magazine. B. Science newspaper C. Physics book. D. Poster


Something extraordinary happened last month at Billy Earl Dade Middle School in Dallas.

The school— with a student population of nearly 900, about 90 percent from low-income families¬¬¬¬— planned to host its first “Breakfast with Dads”. About 150 male students, ages 11 to 13, signed up. But event organizers were concerned that some would attend without their Dads at their side, so they put out a call for volunteers who could serve as fathers.

When the day came for the event, nearly 600 men showed up to help and mentor(指导) the boys, some of them volunteering for the first time.

Back in December, the team ran into some difficulties when planning their annual “Breakfast with Dads” events. Dade’s community organizer Ellyn Favors mentioned that students’ participation was low because of some young men not having a father to attend the event. So she decided to post a call for volunteers on Facebook in the hope of finding 50 male mentors to accompany the middle school boys.

Then it led the team to move the event from the cafeteria into the gymnasium so they could house more guests. Team members from Big Thought, the Office OF Cultural Affairs, and even the organizer’s personal friends showed up alongside the male mentors to make the event possible.

“I will never forget witnessing the young students surrounded by supportive community members. There were so many volunteers, that at times I saw young men surrounded in the center of 4-5 mentors. They were laughing. They were talking. They were discussing. They even trusted each other in such short time.” said Ellyn.

24. How many students at Billy Earl Dade Middle School come from low-income families?

A. 900 B. 600 C. 810 D. 150

25. Why did the organizers put out a call for volunteer fathers?

A. Because they needed enough adult men to build a gymnasium.

B. Because they were worried that some boys would have no courage.

C. Because the event was about how to be a successful father.

D. Because they were worried that some boys would attend the event without a father.

26. What does the underlined word “it” mean in the 5th paragraph?

A.The students in the school were from low-income families.

B. Ellyn Favors posted a call for volunteer on Facebook.

C. There were about 600 volunteers taking part in the event.

D. Only 150 boy students signed up to have breakfast with dads.

27. How would the students feel when they got help from the volunteer fathers?

A. They would feel encouraged and warm.

B. They would feel upset and helpless

C. They would feel frustrated and negative.

D. They would feel energetic and mad.


The Internet has made a huge change in people’s lives, and people can’t imagine their lives without the Internet now. Because of the Internet, people can quickly sell and advertise products, and share information. Life before and after the invention of the Internet is totally different. However, what have changed the most are communication, information and business.

First, people communicate with each other every day, and they all want to use the easiest way to get in touch with others. With the help of the Internet, it’s very easy for people to communicate. For example, MSN is an instant message system that people can use to send messages to friends in a second. Also, people can see and talk to their friends through the internet. In the past, people would have to write a letter, put a stamp on it and mail it. The receiver would have to wait for days or weeks to receive the letter. Sometimes people would miss important information or messages because of the long wait. Even though some people used express mail services such as UPS and FedEx, it still cost more than the Internet.

People can also easily receive information from the Internet. Using the Internet, people can find all kinds of information which they need in their lives. For example, people can go to CNN’s website to watch today’s news, google recipes that they want to cook, and use search engines to find other information. In the past, it was impossible to find information instantly just sitting at home.

Besides communication and information, the Internet also plays an important role in the business field.

28. The best title for the passage might be ____.

A. Communicating on the Internet Is Fast

B. Life Without the Internet Can’t Be Imagined

C. How the Internet Has Changed People’s Lives

D. Any Information Can Be Found on the Internet

29. The author uses UPS and FedEx as examples to explain that _____.

A. there are many ways to communicate

B. express mail services are better than e-mails

C. people have to wait a long time for important information

D. communicating on the net is cheaper than using an express mail service

30. The underlined word "instant" in the second paragraph means _____.

A. immediate B. difficult C. useful D. popular

31. The next paragraph following the passage might talk about ______.

A. the conclusion of the passage B. the Internet’s influence on business

C. the Internet’s bad effects on people’s lives D. the Internet’s influence on young people


Yoga has been teaching people to look for a spiritual and physical unity (统一) for centuries. There remains a need to get rid of distractions (分心). This means finding a peaceful place free of distractions and a posture that allows good breathing and relaxing. You also need to wear clothing that will breathe with you, move with you and you will do it all without uncomfortable distractions. That is the role of yoga clothing.

Before deciding on what kind of yoga clothing you will choose, take a look at the type of yoga you will be studying. Some types of yoga require much attention with their easy movements or deep thoughts. For this type of yoga, people usually prefer yoga clothing that is warm. Bikram and Hot Yoga are performed in a room no less than 95 Fahrenheit degrees. People who choose this kind of yoga will naturally require yoga clothing that is light and won’t cause chafing (擦破皮)when wet.

One type of yoga came from the school of Vinyasa Yoga. This type attaches great importance to the movement from one posture to the next. It is a form that results in cardiovascular (心脏血管的) rewards. However, it puts a lot of requirements on the clothing. It must be comfortable and be able to move with you freely. Ashtanga and Power Yoga belong to this kind of yoga.

Yoga is a kind of exercise that needs to touch every part of your life. While you are expecting it to change everything of your life, take a look at the clothing you can put on. A T-shirt that can be worn anywhere will help you take your yoga with you.

32.Why yoga clothing is important for people to do yoga?

A. Because it makes them look physically beautiful.

B. Because it allows them have a good rest and breath.

C. Because it can get rid of distractions while doing yoga.

D. Because it lets them concentrate on the exercise of yoga.

33. From the second paragraph, we can learn that ______.

A. Yoga clothing has nothing to do with the type of yoga you will be studying

B. Yoga can catch one’s attention easily if you are devoted to it.

C. You should choose warm clothes if your yoga needs easy movements

D. you’d better choose thick clothes if you play the kind of yoga Bikram in a room.

34. What’s the most important thing for doing Ashtanga?

A. The connection between the movements. B. The power of people’s hearts.

C. The style of the yoga clothing. D. The thoughts coming into people’s mind.

35. What do we know from the last paragraph?

A. T-shirts are the best yoga clothing for you.

B. You can do yoga anywhere while wearing a suitable shirt.

C. You can print the skills of yoga on a T-shirt and take it everywhere.

D. A good T-shirt will help you learn yoga better wherever you learn.

第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10 分)


Keeping a conversation going is important. Consider using a conservation weapon to make sure that you’ll be a well-liked conversationalist. Here are ways to try out.


Dale Carnegie, an author of public speaking and interpersonal skills books, said our names are “the sweetest and most important sound” to us. In conversation, you can use this to your advantage by asking for their name, and then dropping their name occasionally throughout the conversation later on.

Invite people to share about their lives

____37____. Show an interest in hearing about a person’s history, family, ideas, or goals. And it will likely get the conversation going right away. Just make sure you don’t pry(窥探) or become nosy (爱管闲事的).

Give welcomed feedback(反馈)

Give feedback on what the person is talking about. Just make sure that your feedback is welcomed. Be positive in your feedback. ____38____. Because the other people will see that you are being sincere rather than simply agreeing with everything you hear.

Wait for your turn to talk

Whatever you do, don’t interrupt. ____39____. Interrupting is one of the quickest ways to shut down a conversation and upset the other person. Show that you value what others are saying. Truly listen to what is being said rather than trying to think of what you will say next.

Gossip positively

Not all gossip is bad gossip, especially when it comes praise. A study found what you say about others colors how people see you. ____40____. But if you complain(抱怨), you’re likely to be connected with those negative traits you have.

A. Repeat what you hear

B. Use people’s names more

C. Of course, remaining honest is important

D. Instead, wait patiently for your turn to talk

E. That means if you praise people, you’re likely to be seen positively

F. This shows that you were listening and helps clarify what you heard

G. An important conversation skill is to invite people to talk about their lives





I am the son of a woman who cleans other people’s house. We used to live on a single meal per day, sometimes twice when my mom took the half-eaten 41 left on the dinner plate from others’ house.

My mom took me to a government school and got me 42 .Because she always encouraged me to take education 43 and said this is the only 44 we can come out from this situation. So I started taking my education seriously.

My classmates were always 45 me because I always 46 in class even during my lunch time. Everybody got a lunch box to have lunch and when I felt 47 , I went out and drank water to fill my

48 . They spoke about my dirty clothes, broken bag, 49 I never responded.

I had to stop chasing my 50 knowing the facts that my mom couldn’t be able to 51 my further studies so I came to Bangalore 52 a job. My mom gave me Rs.(卢比) 50, but it was not 53 to buy train ticket so I didn’t buy one. But I had been warned that if I get caught by the police, I would be thrown out 54 the train. I was 55 enough that I reached Bangalore without any problem.

Once while I was working in an apartment, one person came and asked me 56 I am from and why I started 57 at this age when I should study. I told him everything about me and as I can read, write and understand English, he 58 me a typing job, in return he will teach me computer and give me a place to stay in his house. As I was very 59 in computers, I agreed to that without thinking anything.

I will certainly pursue my dream along with my work and I will be successful one day fighting all my difficulties. It’s a bitter-sweet 60 so far but it made me so stronger.

41. A. rubbish

42. A. permitted

43. A. seriously

44. A. way

45. A. glaring at

46. A. run

47. A. thirsty

48. A. throat

49. A. but


51. A. give

52. A. in need of

53. A. short

54. A. to

55. A. lucky

56. A. when

57. A. studying

58. A. offered

59. A. buried

60. A. part B. bread

B. succeeded

B. brightly

B. block

B. shouting at

B. recite

B. frightened

B. stomach

B. so

B. dream

B. afford

B. in charge of

B. giant

B. from

B. amazed

B. where

B. suffering

B. employed

B. experienced

B. life C. lunch

C. admitted

C. carelessly

C. road

C. laughing at

C. sleep

C. hungry

C. head

C. because

C. lesson

C. provide

C. in memory of

C. enough

C. with

C. pleasant

C. what

C. consulting

C. sent

C. lost

C. journey D. meals

D. followed

D. impatiently

D. path

D. pointing at

D. study

D. painful

D. flavor

D. unless

D. job

D. perform

D. in search of

D. excellent

D. into

D. honorable

D. which

D. working

D. provided

D. interested

D. battle

第II卷(非选择题 共50分)


用0.5 毫米黑色笔迹的签字笔将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。



Three old friends went out to play golf one sunny morning. They began to discuss about their ___61___(child ) while they were playing. “My son, Kent,” said one, “ 62 (be) very famous in the building industry. He began as a carpenter (木匠), but now he owns 63 (he)own firm. Every year many buildings must 64 (complete). Last year he came to know a good friend, 65 (give) her an apartment as a gift.” The second man said, “My son, 66 began his career as a car salesman, now owns a car company. He is so 67 (succeed) that in fact, just in the last six months he gave his friend two cars as a gift.” The 68 (three) man thought for a few moments, and then said, “To tell the truth, I’m not very satisfied 69 my daughter,” he continued, “She often changes friends, 70 her last two friends have given her an apartment and two cars.”

第四部分 写作

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)







Last year, I operated on little girl who got hurt in a car accident. She terrible needed type O blood, which was a bit of rare. Luckily, her twin brother were there and he had type O blood. I explained to her that his sister needed his blood. He sat quietly for a moment, but then said goodbye to his parent. I didn’t think anything of it until after we take the blood we needed and he asked, “So when will I die?” He thought he was given his life. In the end, they were all fine.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)



Recently there is a fierce debate in our school as to whether we should set off fireworks and firecrackers during the Spring festival.


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