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Sam is a teacher of maths .He is not young, but he is not old.He is 40 years old.He has a round(圆的) face and black hair.He is short.There are forty students in his class.They all like him.

Now it’s in the afternoon.Look,some students are studying in the classroom.Sam is there,too.He is helping them to study maths.He is a good teacher,and he is a good friend of his students.


( )1.What does Sam do?

A. He is a worker. B.He is a teacher.

C.He is a doctor. D.He is a nurse.

( )2.What colour is his hair?

A.It’s black. B.His hair is white.

C.It is brown. D.He has yellow hair.

( )3.How many students are there in his class?

A.There are fourteen students in his class. B.There’s forty.

C.He has forty. D.There are forty in it.

( )4.Sam is a good teacher,isn’t he?

A.Yes ,he isn’t. B.No,he is .

C.No,he isn’t. D.Yes, he is.

( )5.What are the students doing in the classroom?

A.They are walking there. B. They are doing their lessons.

C. They are helping their teacher. D. They are good friends of Sam.

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精选2016四年级英语阅读理解:Do and Don’t


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