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China's Lin Dan tells the world he is now the true No.1 badminton player! He wins the gold medal (金牌) in the men's singles (男单比赛) at the Guangzhou Asian Games.He wins the gold medal (金牌) in the men’s singles (男单比赛) at the Guangzhou Asian Games. He beat (打败) Lee Chong Wei (李宗伟) of Malaysia (马来西亚). Lee was the world’s No.1 player. “Lee is one of the world’s best badminton players. We play hard. We have an exciting game. He is arespectable (值得尊敬的) player for me,” Lin says. Now he has a new goal. “I’ll try to get to the London 2012 Olympic Games. I’ll work hard,” he says.

About Lin Dan

Name: Lin Dan

Birthday: October 14, 1983

Nickname: Super Dan

Height (身高): 178 cm

Weight (体重): 72 kg


1.( )Lin Dan tells the world he is the world true No.1 player now.

2.( )He wins the gold medal in the women's singles at the Guangzhou Asian Games.

3.( )Lee Chong Wei beat Lin Dan at the Guangzhou Asian Games.

4.( )Lee Chong Wei is the world's best football players.

5.( )Now, Lin Dan has a new goal. He will try to get to the New York 2012 Olympics Games.


1.T.从文章第一句China's Lin Dan tells the world he is now the true No.1 badminton player!“中国的林丹告诉整个世界他才是当今羽毛球界的第一名。”可以知道这句话是正确的。

2.F.林丹是男生,所以应该是men's singles (男单比赛) ,而不是women's singles(女单比赛)拉。

3.F.从文章第四句He beat (打败) Lee Chong Wei (李宗伟) of Malaysia (马来西亚).“他打败了来自马来西亚的选手李宗伟。”可以知道题目中李宗伟在广州亚运会上打败林丹是错误的。


5.F.从文章最后一句“I’ll try to get to the London 2012 Olympic Games. I’ll work hard,” he says.“他说:我想要参加2012年伦敦奥运会。”可以看出题目中说的“2012年纽约奥运会”是错误的。



2016年小学英语The Angel阅读 



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