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威廉希尔app 为大家整理了英语阅读孩子们的闲谈,希望帮助您提供多想法,加油哦!

Children's Prattle


One day, some children got together and were talking to each other. They all lived in wealthy families.

One girl spoke confidently, "My family is very rich. My parents studied a lot."

One boy was listening to the girl and said, " 'If your name ends with '-sen', you will be miserable.' Well, I feel lucky I have no '-sen' at the end of my name."

Then, the girl spoke again. "You're right. I have a friend whose name is 'Martsen', and his family is so poor."

Another boy said holding up his head confidently, "My father is in a high position. Everybody is afraid of him."

At that moment, one boy was listening to this conversation behind a door. He was poor, and his name ended with '-sen'. He could not mix with the children because he was so poor.

'This is so sad. I can never be a great man.' He envied all the children in the room.

As time went by, the children all grew up. A millionaire was living in the town. A lot of people wanted to visit his house. "This is such a wonderful house. Whose house is this?"

The owner of the house was the poor boy. The boy grew up to be a great sculptor. Even though he was not born rich, and his name ended with '-sen', the boy became a great man. The children in the room were all wrong.


conversation n. 交谈;会话;社交对话

Education begins a gentleman, conversation completes him. 一个绅士源于教育,成于社交。

millionaire n. 百万富翁;大富豪



品读小学英语The Wise Old Lady阅读



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