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小学英语口语what are you doing交际用语详解



如何把小学各门基础学科学好大概是很多学生都发愁的问题,威廉希尔app 为大家提供了小学英语口语what are you doing交际用语,希望同学们多多积累,不断进步!

1. What are you doing? 你在干什么?

2. I'm drawing. 我在画画。

3. I'm making some cakes for tea. 我在做喝茶时吃的蛋糕。

4. Let me help you. 让我帮你。

5. The jar's nearly empty. 坛子快空了。

6. He's drinking Dad's coffee. 他在喝爸爸的咖啡。

7. I'm drawing with this new pen. 我在用新钢笔画画。

8. What is the boy doing? 这男孩在干什么?

9. What is happening? 发生什么了?

10. She is wearing a funny hat. 她戴着一顶有趣的帽子。


Miss Daisy: Bobby, what are you doing? 鲍比,你在干什么?

Bobby: I'm drawing. 我在画画。

Miss Daisy: Is that me? 那是我吗?

Bobby: Yes, Miss Daisy. 是的,戴西小姐。

Miss Daisy: But my nose isn't red. 可我的鼻子不是红的。

Bobby: I'm sorry. 对不起。


Ellen: What are you doing? 你在干什么?

Mum: I'm making some cakes for tea. 我在做喝茶吃的蛋糕。

Elen: Let me help you. 让我帮你。

Mum: All right. Bring me some flour. 好的。给我一些面粉。

Ellen: There is no flour. 没有面粉了。

The jar's nearly empty. 坛子快空了。


Mum: What is David doing? 大卫在干什么?

Ada: He's drinking Dad's coffee. 他在喝爸爸的咖啡。

Mum: But there is no sugar in it. 可里面没放糖。

David: It’s not very nice. 不好喝。

Bobby: What are you doing? 你在干什么?

Ellen: I'm drawing with this new pen. 我在用新钢笔画画。

Bobby: But there is no ink in it. 可是里面没有墨水。

Ellen: So it’s not a very nice pen. 所以这不是一支好笔。


Ada: What are you reading? 你在看什么?

Ellen: I'm reading a picture-book. 我在看一本图画书。

Ada: What is the boy doing? 这男孩在干什么?

Ellen: He is riding a horse. 他在骑马。

Ada: What is he kicking? 他在踢什么?

Ellen: He is kicking the ball. 他在踢球。

Ada: What is happening? 发生了什么?

Ellen: He is falling to the cave. 他掉到山洞里去了。

Ada: What is the girl wearing? 这女孩戴着什么?

Ellen: She is wearing a funny hat. 她戴着一顶有趣的帽子。

Ada: What is happening? 发生了什么?

Ellen: Her hat is flying to the sky. 她的帽子飞到天上去了

威廉希尔app 提供的小学英语口语what are you doing交际用语,能够帮助大家学好学科这门课程,为今后的学习打好基础!


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