


我们告别了开心的暑期假期,迎来了新的学期。威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家准备了unit1重点词组,欢迎阅读与选择,预祝大家新学期学习顺利!

1.an interesting article about personality一篇关于个性方面有趣的文章

2.let me have a look/see让我看一看

3.It makes them feel good to share things with others.


4.eat up my breakfast/eat it up吃光我的早餐

5.people with different personalities behave in different ways


6.find out more about this找出更多关于这方面的内容

7.recommend a classmate for /to be a position推荐一名同学担任一个职务

8.well organized非常有条理

9.keep all her things in good order保持所有的东西井然有序

10.show off炫耀

11.repeat grammar rules for us为我们重复语法规则

12.come up with/think of new ideas提出新的想法

13.be curious about everything对一切都好奇

14.play football for hours踢几个小时足球

15.get angry easily with sb容易地生某人的气

16.neither „ nor„既不„也不/both„ and„和„两者都,既„又/not only „ but also„不但„而且,不仅„还有/either „ or„要么„要么,或者„或者,不是„就是

17.make an accountant成为一名会计

18 .creative jobs创造性的工作

19.work without speaking all day long整天工作不说话

20.be happy with their jobs对„ 满意

21.an article on Sunshine Daily在《阳光日报》上的一篇文章

22.a born artist一位天生的艺术家

23.don ’t like talk too much讲话不多

24.but his work shouts但是他的作品极具说服力

25.impress the whole country with his creative work



(   ) 1. Do you want to leave now     would you rather set off later?

A. or                    B. and      C.  but            D. so

(   ) 2. — I know smoking is bad for my health,     I just can’t give it up.

— It is easier said than done.

A. for                   B. or        C. but              D. so

(   ) 3. — The job is really too hard for us.

— It’s certainly a difficult job,  it’s necessary to make a careful plan before we start.

A. for                  B. or       C. but                     D. so

(   ) 4. — I’ve really had a bad time in the past few days.

— Just let go of the past,     you can start again.

A. and                  B. but         C. because      D. or

(   ) 5. — It seems that my son often refuses to communicate with me.

— Try to put yourself in his shoes,    he won’t be willing to open his heart to you.

A. till                   B. or          C. and            D. but






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